Saturday, 25 March 2017

I love Canada but...

The weather is so confusing and terrible lately.  It's been warm and then cold and then warm again.  On Friday this week it was 15°C which was absolutely lovely!  I spent about 2 hours outside yesterday which was just lovely.  I feel like I could have been much more productive this week, but I wasn't.  I don't really feel that bad about it though.  One productive thing I have been doing this week is catching up on all the TV shows I've been behind on.  I am now completely caught up on Pretty Little Liars, and I'm almost caught up on Grey's Anatomy.

Pokemon Go Update:

So, I'm still level 31 but I'm more then half way through the level approximately 300,000 through the 500,000 I need for the level.  My husband and I also just incubated our 10k eggs, we both have 8.  Next week I will show the video of all the 10k's hatching.  I am very excited to see what is in the eggs.  The weather in Canada however is making it very difficult to play Pokemon Go.  I really wish that the weather would get nice so I could get out and play Pokemon more.  There is a new event going on right now which is a water event.  It's not a great event because we already have a lot of water spawns around us.  There are also shiny Pokemon (just Magikarp & Gyarados) which makes the game a little more interesting but not quite enough.  I really want to continue to play but I need something more.

What I Did this Week...

Not very much.  The weather was not great.  There was 2 days this week that I got over 10,000 steps in a day!  I'm so proud of myself.  On Sunday I made Chili, it was so delicious. I would add a picture but it won't work, so no picture this time unfortunately.  This is the recipe I used for the chili.  Very easy to make and follow.  It's just a little long, it took about 2 and half hours to make, but in the end it was totally worth the time.  Also our apartment smelt delicious! Other then the chili I did not really do much this week.  I therefore don't really have a lot to talk about.  I have been listening to a lot of music this week, which is good?  I love listening to music... for me its a great thing to have been doing all week long.  

On Tuesday I went and saw the new beauty and beast movie. 
Spoilers Ahead
I loved the movie.  It was so worth seeing it in theaters.  I would recommend anyone who likes a new take on a classic movie to go see it.  I plan on seeing it in Theaters a second time.  I don't know when, but eventually.  I think that they did an excellent job on casting all the characters in this movie.  It was great!  4.5/5 stars for me!

What's Next?

Well, tonight I'm going to see a Basketball game, the KW Titans.  It should be interesting.  I am a bigger football fan but it should be interesting anyways.  I don't know how I'm going to like it.  My husband said I'm probably not going to like it that much but I'm trying to go into with an open mind.  Tomorrow we're hatching our 10k eggs and well, the rest of the week I don't know what I'm going to do.  I am in the middle of a 30 days of makeup challenge, so I'll be doing days 14-21 in the next week so if any of you would like to see that this is my instragram.  Today is smokey eye, which like the almost all the other ones I've done I haven't really done this one before either.  But I'm persisting.  

Anyways until next time,

PS. Sorry if this is boring, I'm in a very blah mood this week and didn't have much to talk about and I didn't do much either.

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Muffins, Shrimp and St. Patrick's Day...

A Week of Cooking,

So this week, I spent most of the week cooking and baking. Two things that I love to do!  I also did some grocery shopping, watched a lot of Extreme Makeover Home Edition and played Pokemon Go.  I realize this doesn't seem like the most productive things to do in a week, but it was overall quite the good week.

What I Cooked:

On Monday, I made delicious muffins, they were so good! (Pictured Below)

They were Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Strawberry Muffins.  The recipe was fairly simple, I just used a pre-made muffin mix which I just got from my local grocery store, it was an oatmeal mix.  I followed the recipe, but instead of adding just the regular water, I blended up a whole package of strawberries and mixed it in. 

On Tuesday, I made a shrimp dish, it was so delicious!  It was garlic shrimp pasta.  (Pictured Below)

For this meal, I defrosted the shrimp by running it under cool water for about 5 minutes.  I then drained the water as best as I could.  Next I placed it into a small Tupperware container and covered it about halfway up the container with oil and cut up a single garlic glove, into very small bits.  I then added the garlic to the oil shrimp mixture.  I then put the mixture into the fridge and let it sit for about an hour.  Once it had sit for that time, I started to boil a medium size pot of water.  At the same time as the water was heating up I got a large frying pan out an put the heat on medium-high, once it was heated I added the shrimp-oil mixture with an extra clove of garlic chopped just as finely as the first one. I also added some water to this mix, I think I added a little too much water so I ended up having to cover the shrimp with the lid from the pasta water so that it could fry a little better.  I also added the noodles at this point.   Once the shrimp and pasta were cooked I added some Parmesan Cheese to the shrimp did a quick mix and then added the noodles, be careful to turn down the heat before adding the noodles, I then added a large amount of oil to the pan and heated that for about two minutes.  I then put the noodles and shrimp on a plate and poured the remaining oil mixture over top of that.  It was so good and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good shrimp dish, it was also very easy to make!

On Friday I made a cake, in honour of St. Patrick's Day. (Pictured Below)

This cake was very good also quite sweet though.  It was a packaged Angel Food cake, Betty Crocker. The icing however was homemade.  I just used a simple recipe of butter, sugar, vanilla and green food dye.  So delicious.  However, this cake had a bit of a surprise in the middle.  It was rainbow!  Which by the way, made it quite difficult to make, because of the time consuming layers. I put each layer in the pan in twenty minute intervals between each layer I popped the cake pan into the fridge to cool and set a small amount.  Here is what the finished layers looked like after all the work:

Pretty right? I thought so...

Pokemon Go Update:

So, I'm still level 31, not surprising seeing as I still have 285,995 experience to go before I level up.  However I did get a large boost in the amount of Pokemon I have this week.  I have 211 of 242 now!  Which is very exciting.  I also have 5 10k eggs ready to be incubated next weekend.  My Husband and I are going to hatch them at the same time (hopefully).  We are also aiming for 6 or 7 at once.  Which will be good because then we may have a lot of disappointment but a lot of excitement hopefully at the same time.  I am really hoping that I will hatch a Mareep and hopefully a Larvitar.  Anyways, enough about Pokemon Go.

So What's Next?

This week I'm seeing the new Beauty and the Beast Movie!  I am so excited!  I love watching movies and especially Disney inspired or made ones.  I am also hoping to be much more productive on the job front this week.  I hope to apply for five new jobs this week.  I will let you guys know how that goes next week.

Until next time,

Sunday, 12 March 2017

I'm Sorry...

I am usually someone who is not late.  However I am late putting out this post, so sorry about that.  I got sick this week and I just did not feel motivated yesterday to write out my post.  I will make sure to try and be on time with this blog from now on.  Hopefully I didn't lose too many readers because I was late.

Pokemon Go Update

I'll start off with telling everyone, I'm level 31 and have 201 Pokemon registered out of 242.  I like egg hatching and battling.  I don't know the terminology very well, so sorry about that, but I really enjoy the game.  On Monday, before I got sick, I played for about 6 hours.  I would have played more the whole week but I was worried about getting more sick if I left the house.

My First week off

Sunday night I was feeling a little down. I'm not too sure why but my mood was low.  My husband decided to try and cheer me up, so he took me out for Ice Cream, which was great, it did cheer me up.

I got pistachio ice cream with mini marshmallows and coconut, I love coconut, so it was delicious.  My first day off was fairly unproductive.  I did however start on Monday night flossing and using mouthwash before I went to bed, in preparation for my dentist appointment.  Tuesday was fairly unproductive, I played some Pokemon Go, and then I made dinner, my specialty. 

Meatloaf it was the best one I've made yet!  If anyone wants to make it here is my recipe:
  • 1 pound of ground pork
  • approximately 1/2 cup of bread crumbs (Italian Style with Romano Cheese)
  • 1 Chopped Onion
  • approximately 1/2 cup of Shredded Marble Cheese
I mixed the ground pork together with the bread crumbs. Ideally the ground pork should be thawed all the way through.

For the Glaze:
  • 3 Tablespoons of Ketchup
  • 1 Tablespoon of Mustard
  • 1 Teaspoon of Sriracha 
Mix these three together and have a Basting Brush readily available

I used a bit of non-stick spray on the pan (9.5"x 5.5"). Then I did a thin flattened layer of the pork mixture topped with a layer of onions and then cheese.  I continued this twice more, then one the top layer of meat I put the glaze on top and topped it with cheese. I then put the whole tray in the oven at 375℉ for 40-45 minutes.  I then made mashed potatoes and canned corn with it.  It was a great meal.  

The Rest of My Week

Wednesday morning I woke up with a terrible cold.  Still trying to figure out how, but I could barely swallow and couldn't stop sneezing all day long.  I then spent most of the rest of the following days relaxing on the couch trying to get better.  Thursday I went to the dentist and good news is I don't have any Cavities!!! I'm so pleased!  However most of my wisdom teeth are coming in, which I suppose means I'll have to get them out, not looking forward to that.  On Friday, I went and visited my old work, it was really nice to see everyone.  I then went home and applied for my first job of the week.  Hopefully I'll get it!  It was one of the only ones that I would like, however I'm not sure if I will get it, or even an interview, I'm just making sure to not get my hopes up.

Saturday night we spent the night in watching Lord of the Rings, the second one, I'm not a big fan of that one and I always forget how long they are.  But it was still a very nice and relaxing evening.  

We set-up a bunch of pillows and blankets on the floor and just stayed warm for the night.  It was great!  

This week, I'm going to make some Garlic shrimp and apply for more jobs, well, at least more then I did this past week.  Hopefully you are all still enjoying reading this,

Until next week,

Saturday, 4 March 2017

I'm Officially Unemployed!

I'm Free!

I have officially left my job.  It feels so much more different already and its only been a few hours.  I'm so happy for the experience I've gained from the job and couldn't ask for anything more from it.  However I'm looking forward to what life brings on next. I just want to let you all know that I don't feel like my job had me trapped, I just am happy that I can start a new chapter in my life!  This week I took some time to learn some new recipes.  

On Monday I made Salsa Chicken.  I found this recipe off of a Buzzfeed article.  It was absolutely delicious! I would highly recommend it! The first night we have it with chips and cheese as pictured above.  We also had it on Thursday.  I cooked some wraps in the oven with oil and made some sort of 'homemade' chips.  They were quite good that day too!  We also had some friends over that day to play monopoly, Pokemon version, it was definitely interesting. 

My Last Day,

On my last day of work, it was an emotional jumble of things.  There was some crying, and there was a lot of laughter.  However, it wasn't the last time that I would see most of my co-workers.  A few of the girls I work are some of my closest friends and I will never regret getting to know them.  As a celebration the night before my last day I decided to have some champagne, I love champagne.

I can't wait to have some time off.  I plan on catching up on all the TV shows that I am behind on, and possibly start watching some new ones.  I probably should try and apply for jobs, but I'm very nervous about it.  I haven't had a job interview in about 3 plus years.  I am so nervous however, I will push through and I will get a job.  But I do need to take some time to just relax and find my place in this world.  

Ready to take on the week ahead

I just found out that I have a dentist. I haven't been to the dentist in about 7 years, I am so worried about going, as I'm not the healthiest person.  I think I probably have a few cavities.  The only thing I am worried about for the dentist is them telling me to floss.  I know it's coming to really I should just floss a whole lot in the next few days, it would save the possible frustration.  I don't know if any of you know the smell you get when you floss?  But the smell drives me nuts!  So I don't floss nearly enough.  I will vow to start flossing everyday!  I'll let you know how this goes... 


I just thought I should let you all know that I am a big fan of Pokemon Go, so I will probably be talking about every so often on this blog.  So if you don't want to read about Pokemon, then I would suggest skipping past those portions of the post.  I will try and remember to put a heading before talking about so you can skip over it.  

Tune in next week to find out how many new recipes I've learned and how my first week unemployed goes,
Until next time,

Saturday, 25 February 2017

A Fresh Start

What is a fresh start? A new life? Just a little change? Or just a new mindset? For me, its changing my lifestyle, maybe not completely, but its something different. This blog is my first step to a fresh start. It's a way to get my thoughts out there and heard. It's a way for people to get to know me a little better and maybe see me in a new light.

So here's to a new me! And a new life! I don't know how interesting this will be for most of you, but the only way I will ever find out is to just try and put myself out there.

A Fresh Start:

My fresh start is next week, or I'm hoping that is when it will start. After a long seven and half years at my current job, I will be unemployed. Which I'm very excited about! It means I get to find something that I will enjoy doing. Or at least something I will like more. This time in my life is scary and exciting. 

On my way to a fresh start is a new hair colour.  I am a person who dyes their hair quite often, I've had a rainbow of natural hair colours.  But I've never done red.  Well, I decided to go outside the box this time and try something really new! I will have to see how people react to this one.  

I'm not sure what the next step in my fresh start but if your willing to listen, I will be sure to let you know what happens.  

Hopefully you'll enjoy the ride with me,