A Week of Cooking,
So this week, I spent most of the week cooking and baking. Two things that I love to do! I also did some grocery shopping, watched a lot of Extreme Makeover Home Edition and played Pokemon Go. I realize this doesn't seem like the most productive things to do in a week, but it was overall quite the good week.
What I Cooked:
On Monday, I made delicious muffins, they were so good! (Pictured Below)
They were Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Strawberry Muffins. The recipe was fairly simple, I just used a pre-made muffin mix which I just got from my local grocery store, it was an oatmeal mix. I followed the recipe, but instead of adding just the regular water, I blended up a whole package of strawberries and mixed it in.
On Tuesday, I made a shrimp dish, it was so delicious! It was garlic shrimp pasta. (Pictured Below)
For this meal, I defrosted the shrimp by running it under cool water for about 5 minutes. I then drained the water as best as I could. Next I placed it into a small Tupperware container and covered it about halfway up the container with oil and cut up a single garlic glove, into very small bits. I then added the garlic to the oil shrimp mixture. I then put the mixture into the fridge and let it sit for about an hour. Once it had sit for that time, I started to boil a medium size pot of water. At the same time as the water was heating up I got a large frying pan out an put the heat on medium-high, once it was heated I added the shrimp-oil mixture with an extra clove of garlic chopped just as finely as the first one. I also added some water to this mix, I think I added a little too much water so I ended up having to cover the shrimp with the lid from the pasta water so that it could fry a little better. I also added the noodles at this point. Once the shrimp and pasta were cooked I added some Parmesan Cheese to the shrimp did a quick mix and then added the noodles, be careful to turn down the heat before adding the noodles, I then added a large amount of oil to the pan and heated that for about two minutes. I then put the noodles and shrimp on a plate and poured the remaining oil mixture over top of that. It was so good and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good shrimp dish, it was also very easy to make!
On Friday I made a cake, in honour of St. Patrick's Day. (Pictured Below)
This cake was very good also quite sweet though. It was a packaged Angel Food cake, Betty Crocker. The icing however was homemade. I just used a simple recipe of butter, sugar, vanilla and green food dye. So delicious. However, this cake had a bit of a surprise in the middle. It was rainbow! Which by the way, made it quite difficult to make, because of the time consuming layers. I put each layer in the pan in twenty minute intervals between each layer I popped the cake pan into the fridge to cool and set a small amount. Here is what the finished layers looked like after all the work:
Pretty right? I thought so...
Pokemon Go Update:
So, I'm still level 31, not surprising seeing as I still have 285,995 experience to go before I level up. However I did get a large boost in the amount of Pokemon I have this week. I have 211 of 242 now! Which is very exciting. I also have 5 10k eggs ready to be incubated next weekend. My Husband and I are going to hatch them at the same time (hopefully). We are also aiming for 6 or 7 at once. Which will be good because then we may have a lot of disappointment but a lot of excitement hopefully at the same time. I am really hoping that I will hatch a Mareep and hopefully a Larvitar. Anyways, enough about Pokemon Go.
So What's Next?
This week I'm seeing the new Beauty and the Beast Movie! I am so excited! I love watching movies and especially Disney inspired or made ones. I am also hoping to be much more productive on the job front this week. I hope to apply for five new jobs this week. I will let you guys know how that goes next week.
Until next time,
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