Pokemon Go Update:
So, I'm still level 31 but I'm more then half way through the level approximately 300,000 through the 500,000 I need for the level. My husband and I also just incubated our 10k eggs, we both have 8. Next week I will show the video of all the 10k's hatching. I am very excited to see what is in the eggs. The weather in Canada however is making it very difficult to play Pokemon Go. I really wish that the weather would get nice so I could get out and play Pokemon more. There is a new event going on right now which is a water event. It's not a great event because we already have a lot of water spawns around us. There are also shiny Pokemon (just Magikarp & Gyarados) which makes the game a little more interesting but not quite enough. I really want to continue to play but I need something more.
What I Did this Week...
Not very much. The weather was not great. There was 2 days this week that I got over 10,000 steps in a day! I'm so proud of myself. On Sunday I made Chili, it was so delicious. I would add a picture but it won't work, so no picture this time unfortunately. This is the recipe I used for the chili. Very easy to make and follow. It's just a little long, it took about 2 and half hours to make, but in the end it was totally worth the time. Also our apartment smelt delicious! Other then the chili I did not really do much this week. I therefore don't really have a lot to talk about. I have been listening to a lot of music this week, which is good? I love listening to music... for me its a great thing to have been doing all week long.
On Tuesday I went and saw the new beauty and beast movie.
Spoilers Ahead
I loved the movie. It was so worth seeing it in theaters. I would recommend anyone who likes a new take on a classic movie to go see it. I plan on seeing it in Theaters a second time. I don't know when, but eventually. I think that they did an excellent job on casting all the characters in this movie. It was great! 4.5/5 stars for me!
What's Next?
Well, tonight I'm going to see a Basketball game, the KW Titans. It should be interesting. I am a bigger football fan but it should be interesting anyways. I don't know how I'm going to like it. My husband said I'm probably not going to like it that much but I'm trying to go into with an open mind. Tomorrow we're hatching our 10k eggs and well, the rest of the week I don't know what I'm going to do. I am in the middle of a 30 days of makeup challenge, so I'll be doing days 14-21 in the next week so if any of you would like to see that this is my instragram. Today is smokey eye, which like the almost all the other ones I've done I haven't really done this one before either. But I'm persisting.
Anyways until next time,
PS. Sorry if this is boring, I'm in a very blah mood this week and didn't have much to talk about and I didn't do much either.